Traditional Degree & Certification Programs
Kingdom University® offers traditional Christian degrees such as a Bachelor, Masters or Doctor of Theology generally found in theology schools. If you have an interest in divinity school programs, we can help you earn a Master or Doctor of Divinity degree. In addition, we offer a degree in Pastoral Counseling, as well as non-secular studies.
Christian university and college correspondence distance learning:
As a Christian university and college, we offer courses that can provide you with the knowledge you'll need to earn degrees comparable to what is offered in many Christian colleges. Our school provides students with the opportunity to have a deep-rooted understanding that will teach you the scriptural meaning of keeping yourself “spiritually” and “physically” clean before God.
Degree Programs
Pastoral Counseling Degree Study Programs | |
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Counseling | B.A. |
Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling | M.A. |
Doctor of Philosophy in Pastoral Counseling | Ph.D. |
See Course Descriptions |
Theology Degree Study Programs | |
Bachelor of Arts in Theology | B.A. |
Master of Arts in Theology | M.A. |
Doctor of Theology | D.Th. |
See Course Descriptions |
Divinity Degree Study Programs | |
Master of Divinity | M.Div. |
Doctor of Divinity | D.D. |
See Course Descriptions |
Whole Christian Health & Healing Degree Programs | |
Bachelor of Arts in Whole Christian Health & Healing | B.A. |
Master of Arts in Whole Christian Health & Healing | M.A. |
Doctor of Philosophy in Whole Christian Health & Healing | Ph.D. |
See Course Descriptions |
Ordained Minister Program | |
Ordained Minister Ordained Minister License |
Min. Min. |
See Course Descriptions |

Illustrated Course Descriptions
The Nature of Spirituality
This course will help you as a Christian servant of God to learn the characteristics of spirituality according to the Christian Holy Bible, and how to become filled with "spiritual discernment."
Blood: The Waters of Life
This course will help you to learn God's Biblical viewpoint in relation to the use of blood. The Lord God says that "The life of all flesh is in the blood." It will, in addition, teach you the importance of blood as well as its proper use.
Advanced Applied Nutrition
This course details the ideal sources and correct ratios for the three caloronutrients, as well as for all other nutrients, and demystifies all health concerns related to the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables.
The student will learn how to determine his/her true dietetic nature, and how to correctly utilize the "nutrient-per-calorie" concept for evaluating the nutritional content when planning meals.
If you can’t eat it, you don’t need it.
“I have given you every herb bearing seed ... and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Genesis 1:29
Healing the World through our Ministry
Natural Health is our Birthright. Bible Scriptures teach that we must include the whole person, mind, body and soul as the only way to heal illness, if we wish to attain and maintain pristine health.
Attention must be given to removing the root cause of our spiritual, mental, physical and emotional sickness through the healing scriptures, if we are to attain true, Christian healing.
We are committed to teaching our students about God's natural laws for self-healing, and how to adopt and maintain a healthier lifestyle.