Whole Medicine Degree Programs & Certifications
Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.
Kingdom University® provides whole medicine and healing nutrition degree programs based on the principle and science of the wholistic philosophy.
Kingdom University® will teach the student, through our alternative degree programs, the natural and powerful healing effects of eating fruits and green leafy vegetables based on modern day and ancient philosophies, that "their fruit will be used for food and their leaves for healing” and “the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
Hippocrates made a similar comment: “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". In other words, let thy healing food be thy medicine and thy healing medicine be thy food. These are some of the wholistic natural health, healing and holistic nutrition principles required to attain and maintain pristine health through a practical overall way of living.
Kingdom University® will teach the student natural, spiritual and physical laws of nature in relation to attaining pristine health and healing. It is important that humans learn how to keep themselves physically and spiritually clean. It is also important to understand what constitutes living a clean or an unclean lifestyle if we wish to allow our body to heal itself, as well as keep itself healthy.
We teach the philosophy of wholism, which will help one to realize the importance of a whole physical and spiritual connection, and that we are not spiritually and physically the sum of our parts, but the sum of our whole mind, body and soul. We cannot separate parts from the combined whole without serious and unhealthy consequences. “To Thine Own Self Be True” should motivate all of us who have been given the spiritual power and gift of healing. We have a responsibility to share this gift with all people. But first we must learn how to avoid defiling our spirit, mind, body and soul so we can exemplify the meaning of living a lifestyle that is harmoniously based on the concept of true wholism.
Let thy healing foods be thy whole medicine and thy whole medicine be thy healing foods. | |
Bachelor of Science in Whole Medicine & Healing™ Nutrition & |
B.S./M.S. |
Master of Science in Whole Medicine & Healing™ Nutrition Degree Program |
M.S. |
Doctor of Philosophy in Whole Medicine & Healing™ Nutrition Degree Program |
Ph.D. |
C.W.N.M.N. |