What is Christian Spiritual Health?
"Exhort the word of God
by teaching what is healthful"
(Titus 1:9)

We, at Kingdom University®, define Christian Spiritual Health as "a principled, spiritual but not religious belief system that is based on the Christian Holy Bible in the restoration and preservation of health by natural, unadulterated spiritual as well as physical means and conditions such as the following: pure water, sunshine, exercise, clean air, cleanliness, proper diet, sleep, rest, correct temperatures, relaxation, poise, and a good mental and spiritual attitude."
Our Spiritual, Christian Whole Medicine & Healing Practices are inclusive of the human spirit, mind, body and soul that all synergistically work towards the harmonious attainment of pristine health, spiritually and physically. We help students learn how to employ the basic Christian Bible Theology Principles and Conditions of health by first, identifying them and second, by incorporating them properly into one's own personal life and Christian Ministry. Although, the "conditions for health" listed above may sound simplistic, there is much to learn and many Christian lifestyle attitudes and habits (and even addictions) to change.
As a Christian Health and Healing University, we define our Health Minister as one who is well versed in Christian Theology which is based on Biblical Healing that allows for a Christian Lifestyle for all to witness in their Christian Health Ministries. The practices of Bible Health through Bible Theology helps a true Christian to attain Christian Health and Christian Healing that will reflect the fruitages of the spirit in one's ministry. Our Christian Ordained Ministers provide pastoral counseling services in Christian Biblical Studies and Theology, which include spiritual and physical health and healing that will help restore and preserve the health of the spirit, mind, body and soul of the human organism. These principles are all based on the Christian teachings found in the Holy Christian Bible.
What is Christian Whole Medicine & Healing?
Healing can be defined as "the restoring of health to the sick"; "the making sound, or whole of that which is broken or injured"; "the curing of various diseases and defects"; "the returning of a person to a general state of well-being."
Beginning Your Christian Ministry
"We must worship God
with spirit and truth"
(John 4:23)

Your ministry is designed to assist people to attain an accurate knowledge of Christian, Biblical truths that will set them free, as it is written in the book of John 8:32: "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Footstep Followers of Jesus Christ
- As Christian Ministers and Footstep Followers of Christ, you must be mindful that you are commissioned as "Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers" to "heal the sick" (Matthew 10:7, 8), and "you do not need written approval by men to do a healing work as a minister of God" (2 Corinthians 3:1-3).
- Healing everyone is a command, as verified in the book of Acts 5:16, which states: "The multitudes from the cities around Jerusalem kept coming together, bearing sick people and those troubled with unclean spirits, and they would one and all be cured" by the apostles. "You cannot slave for two masters" (Matthew 6:24).
- As "Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers" and Footstep Followers of Jesus Christ, you must always remember, according to the book of Titus 2:5-7, to be "sound in mind in all things and showing incorruptness in your teaching and wholesome speech, which cannot be condemned."
- You cannot allow worldly authorities to deny your Christian Spiritual, constitutional rights to serve and obey your God to physically and spiritually assist and heal others who are thirsting for accurate and truthful knowledge through your ministry.You must finally realize the Bible's wise counsel: "What sharing does light have with darkness" (2 Corinthians 6:14). People are destroyed for a "lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6), and your ministry is one of "reconciliation" (restoration; to bring back into harmony) according to the book of 2 Corinthians 5:17-19.