Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers Ministers—Defined!
The spiritual dissemination work of Kingdom University® is accomplished by qualified teachers who are:
- Christian Theology & Biblical Ministers
- Christian Health & Healing Ministers
- Ordained Ministers
- Ordained Licensed Ministers
- Certified Christologists
Counseling through a Whole Medicine & Healing Spiritual Means & Prayer
Our Christian Whole Medicine & Healing Ordained Ministers counsel publicly and privately through Christian spiritual means and prayer, and by the teachings of our various educational programs, including schools developed through the organization of Christology.
They are qualified to be licensed practitioners through Kingdom University® and carry on the Biblical Christian teachings and healing responsibilities granted by, the spiritual but not religious organization, Christology, to perform their organizational Christian responsibilities.
Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers are entitled to compensatory wages for their spiritual work (1 Timothy 5:17,18), and they should not do it for prominence (1 Timothy 1:6, 7), but should do it for the love (1 John 4:8) and the life-saving message that the spiritual organization, Ecclesiology, is promulgating based on Christian, unadulterated principles found in the Holy Bible.
Christian Ministers at Kingdom University® are educated on how to conduct their Christian Ministry as footstep followers of Jesus Christ. We provide an Ordained Christian Minister through their Healing ministry with the opportunity to attain a Christian Counseling Degree that would qualify them for Bible Counseling as Christian Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers to heal the sick and help them to maintain good Christian Health, Spiritually and Physically.
Charters may be issued to any Licensed Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers by The Church of Ecclesiology Inc. providing that all spiritual tenets and creed are strictly observed. Any deviation from organizational Christian spiritual beliefs established by The Church of Ecclesiology Inc. Non-Profit Organization could lead to the revocation of their charter.
Licensed Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers that are working in unrelated fields of employment shall continue to exemplify the Christian, spiritual beliefs of The Church of Ecclesiology Inc. in every facet of their life, and shall demonstrate a living faith by example. Why? Because "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:26).
Healing the Whole Human Soul
whole mind, heart and soul"
(Matthew 22:37)

Our Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministers Ministry of Reconciliation shall include the healing of the whole human soul, which is inclusive of the human spirit, mind, body and soul.
- We are commanded to assist in the healing and restoration of everyone back to health (Matthew 5:16; Acts 5:16; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19; Matthew 22:36-38).
- We must be "Fully Engaged" by providing healthful and helpful services by showing people the way to a healthier human spirit, mind, body, and soul (3 John 2; Psalms 67:2; Jeremiah 30:17; 1 Corinthians 12:28).
- We must glorify God in body and in spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20). We are ministers and teachers of Whole Health (1 Corinthians 12:28; Titus 1:9; 2:1), and we must teach based on Biblical Theology that the human organism is self-healing, and we must teach people the spiritual means and ways to achieve a true, holistic and natural way of health for the human spirit, mind and body (Psalms 51:5; 41:1-3; Psalms 103:2-4; Job 42:10).
- We must teach that God functions through His Holy Spirit and that the spirit of God dwells in us to accomplish this reconciliation process (bring back into harmony) according to the Christian Holy Scriptures found written in the book of 1 Corinthians 2:13; 3:16, 17; 6:19. God’s natural and spiritual laws are impersonal and apply to all of creation, animate or inanimate, according to the book of Genesis 2:15; 3:23.
- It is important to realize, as Christians, the urgency to reach and teach as many people as possible through our Ordained Whole Medicine & Healing Ministry so that the people will not "die for a lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6).
- Everything was created good (Colossians 1:16, 17) by God. We are being built up a spiritual house for the purpose of a holy ministry (1 Peter 2:5), and we must be "conscious of our spiritual needs" as ministers of God (Matthew 5:3), because we are the "temple of God where the spirit of God dwells in us, and we must not become unclean and violate the temple of God for fear that God will destroy us" (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 6:15-20; 2 Corinthians 7:1).
Physicians Without Value®
"Ye are all quack doctors"
(Job 13:4)
In the Bible, spiritual rather than physical breakdowns, as well as spiritual healings, are subjects of particular significance. Attention is drawn to the responsibility of natural Israel's leaders in these matters. "From the prophet even to the priest, each one (was) acting falsely" during Jeremiah's day. They made a pretense of healing the physical ailments of God's people, claiming that all was well (Jeremiah 6:13, 14; 8:11). In health matters, they were very much like Job's comforters "ye are all quack doctors" (Job 13:4—The Berkeley Version of the New Testament (Gerrit Verkuyl).
The Healing Power of God through Jesus Christ
Finally, you must be ever mindful that "the spirit and healing power of God through Jesus Christ, who healed the lame, maimed, the blind and dumb, the epileptics, the lepers and many other diseases (Matthew 4:24; 15:30, 31), and through the Christian ministry of your present day, is the "cause of all healings" (Luke 5:17: 17:12-18).
God has bestowed on humanity the ability of the body to "regenerate its physical organism back to health" (Psalm 41:3), and you must realize that only "God, our Heavenly Father, is the true healer of all organisms" (Psalm 103:2-4: Job 42:10).