Kingdom University of Natural Medicine - Whole Integrative Medicine and Healing Nutrition

Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Medicine

You can earn a prestigious Doctorate of Natural Medicine at Kingdom University of Natural Medicine™. In our natural healers school, you will learn how to restore the balance in your body and support its natural healing process. You will also focus on disease prevention and discover how to use diet and lifestyle changes as first-line interventions. You will also gain the skills needed to empower your patients to take charge of their own health. A vegetarian or vegan degree, such as the prestigious PhD in Natural Medicine, from our college and school of Natural Medicine would be a great choice if you're interested in becoming a vegetarian and learning about the ethical, environmental and health benefits of a vegetarian diet plan. You can become highly trained in natural methods or therapies to address the underlying causes of disease.

Doctor of Natural Medicine Courses

5 Course Prerequisites

BMNM-102:  Discover The Essence of "Plant-Based Medicine": The Five Principles of "Life Saving" Herbs

In this course, you will explore the five basic principles of herbs on how to grow, harvest, store and prepare them for their effective medicinal use. A foundation will be laid based on Bio-Dynamic and Organic growing methods including why these methods play a significant role in the outcome of healthier plants as your ultimate plant source of healing through nature's medicine. In addition, there will be ways to observe Biodynamic Rhythms and how to utilize these effective methods in your garden, simply and easily.

In 2016, author Michele Wildflower’s love of 20+ years was diagnosed with a Triple Hit of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and was given a 35% chance of surviving. After being told to get his affairs in order, Michele spent tireless hours researching Cancer, Treatments and Prevention. In her research, she collected about 20 different vitamins, herbs, minerals, enzymes, mushrooms and within 3 months he was able to enjoy an amazing “full recovery” and, may I add, much to his Oncologist’s dismay!

This course will help the student to immerse them self into their studies so they can more effectively distinguish between native plants and cultivated, chemical and synthetic, single molecule medicine and plant medicine. The student will learn why medicine from Nature has a whole host of benefits instead of a long list of side effects. In addition, the student will be taught about The Law of Opposites, Chinese Medicine, the Simpler’s Method, Cancer Prevention, Alternative Treatments, Mindful Techniques, as well as the vital role of the whole health and healing connection between the mind and the body. In addition, the student will learn about the new and groundbreaking brain and children research on more effective and safer alternative treatments. (4.0 credits)

BMNM-105Advanced Plant Based Nutrition I: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet which is rich in alkaline foods eaten)

This course presents the most advanced applied food concepts on correct Natural Nutrition called The AAA Diet® (Acid Alkaline Association), which is also referred to as ”The Modern-Day ’Manna’ of All Healing Diets”. It will examine the importance and catalyzing role of digestive enzymes and assimilation of food nutrients, as they relate to the acid/alkaline/balance diet for increasing a person’s power, strength and endurance by as much, at times, as 50% to 100%. Our “Certified Plant Based Nutritionist Experts” promote an “High Alkaline Diet” that oxygenates body tissue to a healthier state of health, which will help the health seeker to attain and maintain the ultimate power, strength and endurance for all physiological performances. This is why Vegetarians and Vegans including Omnivorous Diets can benefit greatly from eating an organically grown Whole Food Diet Plan. The consumption of a Plant Based Athlete Diet such as the Athlete Vegan or Vegetarian Diet that is tailored specifically as a Vegan or Vegetarian Meal Plan will increase Optimum Health, Power, Strength and Endurance for all physiological performances including Omnivorous Diets as well will greatly benefit.  “The fruit thereof shall be for meat and the leaves of the trees will serve as a medicine and healing nutrition for the human body as well as all living beings.” (4.0 credits) 

BMNM-106Advanced Plant Based Nutrition II: Applied Science of the Acid Alkaline Diet (Effects of an alkaline diet which is rich in alkaline foods eaten)

This course presents the most advanced applied food concepts on correct Natural Nutrition called The AAA Diet® (Acid Alkaline Association), which is also referred to as ”The Modern-Day ’Manna’ of All Healing Diets”. It will examine the importance and catalyzing role of digestive enzymes and assimilation of food nutrients, as they relate to the acid/alkaline/balance diet for increasing a person’s power, strength and endurance by as much, at times, as 50% to 100%. Our “Certified Plant Based Nutritionist Experts” promote an “High Alkaline Diet” that oxygenates body tissue to a healthier state of health, which will help the health seeker to attain and maintain the ultimate power, strength and endurance for all physiological performances. This is why Vegetarians and Vegans including Omnivorous Diets can benefit greatly from eating an organically grown Whole Food Diet Plan. The consumption of a Plant Based Athlete Diet such as the Athlete Vegan or Vegetarian Diet that is tailored specifically as a Vegan or Vegetarian Meal Plan will increase Optimum Health, Power, Strength and Endurance for all physiological performances including Omnivorous Diets as well will greatly benefit.  “The fruit thereof shall be for meat and the leaves of the trees will serve as a medicine and healing nutrition for the human body as well as all living beings.” (4.0 credits) 

BMNM-107 Advanced Green Herbal Pharmacy

This course will teach the student how to familiarize them self in the field of botany and the potential hazards and useful application of herbs for healing. This course will teach you the “Miracle Super Anti-Oxidant Meals That Heal” so you can avoid “Brain Drain” by employing “Brain Food Soups” to help one avoid various conditions such as dementia leading to Alzheimer’s and many other physical and debilitating conditions of diseases. (4.0 credits)

BMNM-112 Advanced Master Recipes: 375 Scientifically Tested Herbal Remedies

This course is “King of Master Recipes” from the Herbal Apothecary for whole body health & wellness that provides healing solutions for ailments from A to Z. This course will provide the student with superior guidance that you will need on how to incorporate herbs into your daily life with the goal on how to achieve the ultimate balance for overall health on managing immediate day to day physical complaints such as colds, headaches, stomach issues and stress. (4.0 credits)